Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Morning Happy Time

No Time Wasted Making Bread!

Well, Hello, Little Baby

The lyrics of this song, "I Get to Be the One" by JJ Heller, capture the great joy I have in being Ellie Beth's mom in some small form! 

Well hello 
Little baby 
Your eyes have never seen the sun 
You should know 
Little baby 
That I am the lucky one 

Don't feel alone now 
Little baby 
Do you hear me singing you a song 
I can't wait to show you 
Little baby 
How to crawl 
How to walk 
How to run 

I get to be the one to hold your hand 
I get to be the one
Through birthdays and broken bones 
I'll be there to watch you grow 
I get to be the one 

How does someone so small 
Hold my heart so tightly? 
I don't even know you 
I love you completely

Thursday, July 5, 2012

This Sleeping Business is Serious Stuff

Favorite Things

78. A green lawn, cared for very lovingly by my husband.
77. The innocence and trust of a baby.
76. Garden tomatoes!
75. Realizing how fast life goes and wanting to not waste it.
74. Memories and stories from our neighbor born in 1925.
73. Time to think, time to rest, time to be, time to cook dinner without rushing.
72. Tylenol for infants that makes their sadness less sad after painful immunizations.
71. Stretches with tiny hands and little arms.
70. Coos, smiles and conversations from a 2-month old.
69. That incredibly great feeling of knowing, without a doubt, that you are right where you are supposed to be - that the boundary lines of life have fallen in really, really good places.