56. People who do hard things. People who choose the hard path of discipline in the moment, so that in the future there will be peace.
55. The garden in our backyard that is dormant right now. I keep dreaming of what we will soon be planting in it, come spring. Thoughts of planting and watering and harvesting are fulfilling.
54. Community. Wherever I find it. In my neighborhood. In my workplace. In my church.
53. Rain falling on Lake Texoma in Texas as I waited for Adam to finish the Cross Timbers 50 Mile Race
52. Learning how to breathe through contractions in labor at birthing class. (It's a favorite thing now, because I dearly hope it helps, but I am sure that contractions themselves won't make it on my list of favorite things!)
51. A beautiful pink bouquet of Valentine's Day flowers from my husband that I discovered a day too early in their hiding place!