56. People who do hard things. People who choose the hard path of discipline in the moment, so that in the future there will be peace.
55. The garden in our backyard that is dormant right now. I keep dreaming of what we will soon be planting in it, come spring. Thoughts of planting and watering and harvesting are fulfilling.
54. Community. Wherever I find it. In my neighborhood. In my workplace. In my church.
53. Rain falling on Lake Texoma in Texas as I waited for Adam to finish the Cross Timbers 50 Mile Race
52. Learning how to breathe through contractions in labor at birthing class. (It's a favorite thing now, because I dearly hope it helps, but I am sure that contractions themselves won't make it on my list of favorite things!)
51. A beautiful pink bouquet of Valentine's Day flowers from my husband that I discovered a day too early in their hiding place!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I have been aware of the word hospitality more recently, realizing how much of hospitality is an art learned in the context of a heart that is simply open to loving and hands that are willing to serve.
I also have been slowly reading through Eugene Peterson's memoirs in his book called, The Pastor. I recently stumbled upon a chapter called "Eucharistic Hospitality." Eugene wrote this chapter as a tribute to his wife, Jan, and her ministry that complemented his for so many years.
I was touched by the simplicity of Jan's calling and the fervency of her response to it. Here's what Eugene writes:
"Twenty years or so after these hospitality instincts and skills in Jan had matured and been noticed, we had both of us been asked to speak to a group...her assignment was to give a talk on hospitality. After she made her presentation, someone asked, "Do you have any pearls of wisdom that you can give us for raising our children?"
She had decided to be as specific and down-to-earth as she could. No generalities, no big goals like taking in strangers or working in a soup kitchen for the homeless, but just zero in on one manageable task: gather the family for the evening meal. Every evening.
Her answer: "Have a family meal every evening....There are no 'pearls' out there that you can use - no scripture verses to hand out, advice to guide, prayers to tap into. As we live and give witness to Jesus to our children and whoever else, we are handing out seeds, not pearls, and seeds need soil in which to germinate. A meal is soil just like that. It provides a daily relational context in which everything you say and don't say, feel or don't feel, God's Word and snatches of gossip, gets assimilated along with the food and becomes you, but not you by yourself - you and your words and acts embedded in acts of love and need, acceptance and doubt. Nothing is abstract or in general when you are eating a meal together. You realize, don't you, that Jesus didn't drop pearls around Galilee for people as clues to find their way to God or their neighbors. He ate meals with them. And you can do what Jesus did. Every evening take and receive the life of Jesus around your table."
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Favorite Things
50. An older neighbor who scraped my windshield and watched me leave for work every day from the sidewalk to make sure that I was safe while Adam was gone in Bangladesh.
49. Open sky country.
48. A kind teacher to instruct our birthing classes.
47. Making bierocks for the first time and loving them.
46. An incredibly beautiful and mild winter that seems to be nature's apology for a hideously hot summer.
45. A Superbowl party at the City House with friends and neighbors.
44. Hearing stories of the Bengali church on fire with passion to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
43. Having my husband back after missing him for 10 days while he was in Bangladesh.
42. A maternity swimsuit (thanks to my in-laws) that let me enjoy an awesome swim today.
41. Being an aunt!
favorite things
Friday, February 3, 2012
Isabella Joy

I am so excited to be an aunt for the very first time! Congratulations to Isaac & Allie on a stunningly beautiful little girl born this morning at 4:04!
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