Monday, April 30, 2012


All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Oh the joys of those who trust the Lord! Psalm 40:4

What is saving belief if it isn't the radical dare to wholly trust? - Anne Voskamp

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Things I Wanted You to Know...

Dear Little One,

I am getting quite excited to see your little hands and feet and face so soon! Right now I can only feel them bumping into my ribs and side! I am excited to hold you too, although I feel like I am holding you very closely now. Sometimes it even feels like I am holding your hands and feet because you stick them so far out of their normal boundaries, right into my hands that rest on my big belly.

I want you to know that both your dad and I are so happy that you exist, that your life has graced our lives and that we get to be a family, all three of us together. You are loved, you are beautiful and you are very wanted and treasured.

Since I wrote you last, we got to see more pictures of you on the ultrasound. We saw that you already have hair and perfect little toes and fingers. You are being formed so perfectly and all the intricate details of your being are fashioned in the secret place to make you just exactly the unique person that God designed for you to be.

I like to call you by your name more and more now. Your name, Eliana Beth, holds a lot of special meaning. We named you Eliana after two very important people, Eli and Anna. Eli was a Jewish priest who lived many thousands of years ago. He comforted a crying barren woman named Hannah and told her that God would answer her prayers and give her a child. Anna was a Jewish prophetess who also lived a long time ago. She waited her whole life long to see the Messiah baby. Both Eli and Anna knew that God keeps his promises, even if we have to wait a very long time. That is why your name means, "God has answered our prayers." That is also how your dad and I feel about you. Your dad and I waited a long time before we got married, hoping that in patient waiting, God's plan for our lives would bring us together. God did answer our prayers and you are the first tangible fruit of our love.

You are very treasured,


Favorite Things

68. Abby Hutson and her creativity and her professional-grade belly art that still makes me laugh.
67. All of the laughter at the Easter egg decorating party with the neighborhood ladies.
66. A husband who is willing to tie my shoes and shop for our groceries.
65. Cool air that flows from the vents at our home on super hot days, reducing the effects of the little oven that I carry on my front.
64. Fresh green grass and bare feet.
63. Daffodils, violets, peonies, pansies and petunias...all of which are gracing the flowerbeds around our home.
62. The discipline of learning (slowly, painstakingly) to give thanks even in the discomfort of pregnancy's last month.
61. The anticipation of being a mom, of holding a new life, the fruit of love.
60. Little girl outfits and tiny cute pink socks and special baby showers.
59. Ice cold water and lemonade. (I literally think I drink at least a gallon each day.)
58. My sister Rebecca's visit during Spring Break and our fun trips to Botanica, the zoo, the shopping mall and Cow Town.
57. 33 days left until little Eliana's due date (May 6).